Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ships and the big Sea.

    The third Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the Yongle Emperor, built ships the size in which the world had never seen! I mean so big! They used these huge ships for trade. When the got into trade they got items that influenced their culture. Some of the things they got were food, clothing and the fun stuff they have today, but back in ancient China things weren't like they are today. Also they used the huge ships for exploring. Their favorite lands that they loved exploring were the distant lands from the Pacific Ocean. I mean WOW! Wouldn't you want to see how big the ships were?!

1 comment:

  1. Too answer your question..YES i would had liked to see how big the ships were!.....Who wouldnt! said the ships were they built were ships the size in which the world had never seen! But I guess they were this big because they used them for trade.
